Friday 30 November 2012

Mom's Christian, Dad's Muslim, so what am I?

Every time I get into a cab, the driver will spend the duration of the ride trying to guess my heritage. And believe me, I've been guessed everything, from Italian to Chinese. 

I guess my parents are to blame for my mutt-like mix.
My mom was born on an American military base in the Philippines- a half Filipino, half American mestiza. My dad, on the other hand is Persian and moved from Iran to America at 16 years old. 

I grew up with two very different cultures in one household. Don't get me wrong, neither of my parents are extremely religious. I used to go to church every Sunday with my Catholic grandma, but nowadays my attendance hasn't been so great. My dad does not pray six times a day, but says a prayer in times of stress and grief.

Because my parents have been so relaxed about it, my sister and I have been free to choose whatever religion we believed in. What they did stress, though was that at the end of the day, faith is supposed to give us morals and encourage us to be kinder to others.

My sister and I are Christians. This might seem unusual, considering that our generation is more atheistic. Anything that can't be proven as a hard fact is now considered mumbo jumbo nonsense. I prefer to keep the scientific and the spiritual separate in my mind. I won't argue with evolution and how the universe began. But I also like to believe that there is a heaven and that everything happens for a reason. I'm allowed to believe in both, aren't I?

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